Custodians of the proud Lancia legacy of T.A.K, Viglietti Motors and PW Immelman.
Passion Grace & Fire....
Visitors online: 879
Lancia Wellness Center
3 Plein st.
Woodstock 7925
Western Cape
South Africa
Lancia Auto SA CC
+27 21 4471923

- To provide the best possible service to all LANCIA vehicles
Telephonic and Email support: We do:
- provide information that is not provided on our website
- give part numbers, when our search facilities could not help you
- give technical information on how to repair your vehicle
- give information about parts compatibilities
- help you with using our website
Telephonic and Email support: We do not:
- accept emails addressed to:
- quote prices of products that are listed on our database
- quote for shipping costs
- provide information on the despatch status of your order
- send invoices
- update your user account
- send additional account statements
Clients without Internet Access
- In exceptional cases we can accept orders via Email, fax or letter.
- An administration fee of R 50,- &VAT is applicable.
We cannot give quotations for parts that are not in stock:
As there are many factors that affect the price like exchange rate, customs duty, transport cost etc., it is common in the industry to add an additional retainer to the price to accomodate the fluctuations.
Therefor the price will increase quite considerable. In order to avoid this, and give you as a customer the best possible price, we only do the costing after the item has landed with us.
Color of search results :
- "green" denotes a stock item. It is ready for despatch and the price is guaranteed.
- "yellow" is a orderable item. While ist is not currently in stock, we do have a listed supplier. The price indicated, is the last retail price, which can only serve as a guidleline. You will be charged the updated price on time of purchase.
- "pink" is an item that is part of the original TAK stock from 1996, but that has not been identified as yet. From the orignal stock of 13500 parts, we have identifed now about 6500 parts. About 3 containers of parts were sold to Gruppo Ricambi Bielstein and service items were removed by Viglietti Motors for over 5 years without even taking it off stock. We apprximately still have about 500 unidentified items here, mainly brackets and small items. The price given is from 1995
- "red" is an unavailable item. While it was part of the original TAK stock, but ahs been sold. The price given is from 1995.
- "orange" is a Ferrari item available through
Part number extensions :
- "-G" denotes a used item. Depending on the condition, we may manually discount the price.
- "-N" is a reproduction item. It may also be an item which is know to fit for that particular application.
- "-A" denotes reconditioning of an item. Thsi is NOT the physical item . You will be charged a returnable deposit.
- "no extention" denotes a NOS or OEM LANCIA/FIAT part. If you need to know in detail, pls. submit a request.
Do I use the "8" in front of the part number ?
The "8" can be used or omitted. The search engine accomodates for that.
"Exact match" button: if activated, you will only get parts that match your precise model, not the model family, ie. if you select Beta Coupe it will not return engine parts that are shared with the Beta Saloon.
"My car button:" if activated will return results specific to your own car.
What search term to use?
please type " pump water" or "water pump", but if you are looking for a waterpumpgasket, please typ:"gasket waterpump". The same syntax applies to all other parts.
Some examples for queries: winder window r. / boot cv outer/wheel steering / cover steering column...
Download Online Goods :
- log into your account
- open your account page
- click on the invoice number
- click on the "download" button, behind the parts description. As some documents are rather large, some patience might be required with the download.
Note that your download will not expire.
- For clients without Internet access, we can burn a CD for a fee of R 20,- + P&P.
How do I pay an arbitrary amount e.g. for deposits etc?
Let's say you have to pay R 285,-. Enter "R1" into the part number field, it will display R1, R10,R100, R1000. Select a R1 up to R100, go to the checkout counter, select shipping option " deposit", adjust the quantities, in this case 2x R100, 8xR10,5xR1 and press recalculate.
"This operation is not allowed for a closed invoice!"
We are very sorry, this is a known bug in our system, and it will hopefully be resolved soon.
Cause: All your session details with are stored in a cookie on your computer.
When you revisit our site, you will be logged in automatically, and your last open shopping cart will be selected.
If you have paid for your previous cart however, the database will lock it, and not allow you to add more items.
- Next to your login on the top left of the screen you will find next to your name the last invoice number.
Click on that number to un-select the shopping cart. or
- Delete the cookie of on your computer.